Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nuclear Suppliers Group Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India

The Frontline, Volume 25 - Issue 20 :: Sep. 27-Oct. 10, 2008

Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India

1. At the ... Plenary meeting on ... the Participating Governments of the Nuclear Suppliers Group decided that they:

a. Desire to contribute to the effectiveness and integrity of the global nonproliferation regime, and to the widest possible implementation of the provisions and objectives of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;

b. Seek to avert the further spread of nuclear weapons;

c. Wish to pursue mechanisms to affect positively the nonproliferation commitments and actions of all states;

d. Seek to promote fundamental principles of safeguards and export controls for nuclear transfers for peaceful purposes; and


e. Note the energy needs of India.

2. Participating Governments have taken note of steps that India has voluntarily taken with respect to the following commitments and actions:

a. Deciding to separate civilian nuclear facilities in a phased manner and to file a declaration regarding its civilian nuclear facilities with the IAEA, in accordance with its Separation Plan (circulated as INFCIRC/731);

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